
The role of surveying is to get an accurate reading of the surface regularity of the floor.
All specifications measure flatness (the variability over a short distance i.e.300mm) and levelness (the variability over longer distances i.e. 1200mm).Flatness could be considered a measure of smoothness for the truck drivers. Levelness has more effect on the stability of the trucks particularly those in aisles. Variability across the width of the aisle and/or between the front and the rear wheels of a truck can have a significant impact on truck swaying and nodding effects resulting in poor efficiency and even unsafe operation.
It is worth noting that there is no purpose in selecting and implementing an appropriate specification if there is no way to check if this specification is achieved.
The results of this process can be used to check if the contractor has delivered what was promised. Also to access the need and the cost involved if correction or an upgrade is required.
The lack of surveying often leads in endless debates about the quality of the floor and its suitability for the Materials Handling Equipment (MHE) to operate on.
Eurolit is able to provide surveying for all types of specifications, both for Free and Defined Movement, using exclusively UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) accredited equipment that are widely accepted by all truck manufacturers.
...ensuring the success of the floor construction