Defined movement

In a Defined Movement facility the trucks operate in predetermined area, direction and fixed paths between the racking in a Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) configuration. The clearance between the racking and the truck is often not greater than 150mm.
Floor requirements in VNA facilities require careful planning and attention to detail regarding both design and construction phases because safety and productivity depend upon it.
The higher the racking the flatter the floor needs to be. The advantages of having met the requirements for a VNA facility are many and fully justify the effort needed to achieve the strict specifications.
The capacity of the facility is noticably larger because of high racking, hence more pallet room for a given area. The speed of the VNA trucks is mutch higher thus increasing productivity and eliminating the need for additional VNA trucks.
The need for maintenance and down time is significantly lower both in time and money because the ride is smoother.
The safety of the personnel and equipment is guaranteed.
The value of such facility is significantly higher.
Eurolit is able to provide advice and surveying for all types of specifications using exclusively UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) accredited equipment that are widely accepted by all VNA truck manufacturers.
...ensuring the success of the floor construction